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Retro Gaming Competitions Continue

Our Retro Gaming Competitions Continue! - Take on Sensible Soccer, Super Bomberman 2 and Street Fighter Alpha 2, Jan 28th London

If you love retro games, and let’s face it, who doesn’t! Then you will love the Retro Games Event #7 that is being held in London on the 28th January. The Secret Weapon gaming pub in West Ham Lane is the venue for 4 hours of non-stop gaming action.

All the classic consoles will be there including the PS2, Gamecube, N64 and Mega Drive, offering some of the best retro games ever made.

There will also be 3 competitions playing Sensible Soccer, Super Bomberman 2 and Street Fighter Alpha 2, with the choice of three great prizes.

Sensible Soccer

A game I used to play for hours, Sensible Soccer or Sensi as it was affectionately called, was launched in 1992. Originally available on the Amiga, Atari and PC, it quickly became a massive hit. The viewing style was different from other football games at the time. It had a top down, zoomed out view compared with a side view offered by Kick-Off and Matchday.

It was a game that had everything you would want from a football title, plus a great after-swerve feature that allowed completely ridiculous but spectacular goals.

There have been many sequels since the original version, but this was the best in many people’s eyes.

Super Bomberman 2

Launched on the Super Nintendo in 1994, Super Bomberman 2 was inevitable really, given the success of the original. The premise behind it was that five bombers were trying to take over the universe. They captured the original Bomberman (you), and you then have to fight your way to the final showdown with Magnet Bomber.

The graphics and music were very good for the time and great strategic gameplay through the maze-like arenas.

This was a great follow-up from the original game, and for many fans, it is the most popular of all the Bomberman titles.

Street Fighter Alpha 2

For all you fighting fans, there is Street Fighter Alpha 2 which was released in 1996. It originally appeared on the CPS II arcade machine but was then ported to the PlayStation, SEGA Saturn, SNES and PC.

I was never very good at fighting games myself, but I was very impressed by those who were. The best part was the Chain Combos which was replaced by the Custom Combo for this game. It allowed you to press a certain combination of keys to start the timer gauge. You could then group together any move you wanted until the time ran out.

It was voted the best game of 1996 by a Japanese arcade magazine, and the genre remains a big favourite.

I am sure you will enjoy playing this and all the other games at the The Retro Games Event #7. It will be a chance to play some classic titles, make new friends and have some great fun.

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Zeeshan Mallick

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